The recording systems developed by Telefonica Sintware allow call recording (telephone and radio) in ambino of integrated operations centers. Through decades of experience in the sector, sintware is able to provide recording systems developed ad hoc with established technologies and new generation. Dialogic recorder: interfaces to the central office through a Dialogic board that manages multiple of 30 ISDN channels connected in Q-sig with the Central Telefonica. Dialogic boards are electronic cards to be included in Server designated to host the registration system to allow connection to the Central Telefonica. These have the connection to the bus of the server (PC) and support the standard CAPI (Common Application Program Interface). All calls are forwarded in-input and output from the telephone through mechanisms of re-routing to the registration system.
Sangoma recorder: interfaces to the central office through a Sangoma card that records in parallel to the telephone exchange flows primary upstream and downstream of the plant, interfacing to the sistem, in integration cti for the complete use and storage of telephone traffic.
VOIP recorder: allows recording of traffic voip IP extension downstream of telephone or IP-Enabled IP-native. Through CTI integration can enable logging of digital extensions (avaya)
All recording systems are easily integrated into the application system Management Operations Centre, and can be foniti in redundant mode. Through the integration of the various technologies can provide systems for parallel recording of all calls that pass on the outside lines, as well as on radio channels and UHF receivers on the operator stations.
Each registration is associated additional information related to the conversation: the date and time of entry, answer, end recording, calling number, called number, task-id unique call, board identifier event, identification of the operator who handled the call, radio channel.
Module Software Storage organizes archive of recordings, with the possibility of compressing MP3 and encrypt encrypt with software based on AES (256 Bit). The digital archive consists of: local support (HD), local backup (RDX), shared network storage (SAN).
All recordings can also be stored on a shared network storage (SAN). The recordings are always available for playback activity.