On the subject of integrated systems and telecommunications, Sintware follows all the stages of production of goods-services (analysis, design, prototyping, development, commissioning, operation and maintenance). Strengths: - Previous experience strongly linked with the conventions CONSIP: - Presence of certified personnel on communication technologies AVAYA, and with decades of experience on technologies AASTRA - ERICSSON - Development of vertical applications in integrated architectures Ericsson MD110 and AVAYA CM for services public safety and emergency
Sintware is able to develop a system to HOC CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) integrated within a platform with software modules for interfacing to the telephone redundant. CTI software modules, operating in failover mode, implement features CTI completing the integration between phone systems and heterogeneous recording and the application infrastructure of the customer so that they can enjoy all the phone services directly from that infrastructure.
Each Software Module CTI interfaces to the central office (Avaya Application Enablement Services, Ericsson Md110ApplicationLink, etc.), providing all the functionality of the system telephone CTI, such as monitoring of devices and telephone code. Implements mechanisms of advanced traffic management, custom call routing, management of queues private or public, deviation of emergency groups, recording on demand.
Thanks to the features of the monitoring and automatic recovery provided by an appropriate monitoring system, in case of fault on the master CTI software module, such as a fault or a fault of the server HW SW of one of the components that manage the connection with the CSTA central, the software module CTI Slave installed on the secondary server, takes charge of the CTI starting the monitoring device and telephone queues, sending synchronization messages to the module application integration for alignment / update of the status of the console operator and Restore CTI functionality.