Sintware is an ICT / TLC with its diversity enriches the proposal for his client.
The core business of Sintware is the design, implementation, integration, deployment and management of information systems. The company can count not only on resources and internal expertise, a network of national and international professionals.
The skills fielded face various areas of ICT issues, with particular emphasis on the problems of data processing in real-time, computer security and telephony integration - computer. Through qualified personnel, the consolidated experience of Sintware in new technologies can offer to its customers all services related to the implementation of advanced information systems, Internet-based, multimedia systems and corporate databases. As for security, coordinates Sintware expertise to prepare an offer that starts from the planning areas of corporate strategy, to the provision of infrastructure services and applications in outsourcing and training services on various issues related to safety. Sintware also provides continuous acquisition of new skills through an area organization linked to technological innovation.
From the point of view of the services offered to customers, deserve highlight those of Systems Support and Help Desk which are two of the areas in which Sintware is present, providing both specific advice in designing technological infrastructure hardware and software of its customers, whether personal or services outsourcing for service and maintenance of the technology park.